

The new long-lived societies

Las nuevas sociedades longevas

CENIE welcomes a new edition of Open Dialogue in which to enrich and broaden our perception of the new long-lived societies and to reflect, from multidisciplinary perspectives, on the challenges and opportunities implied by the transcendental demographic change that we are already experiencing.  A circumstance which, far from diminishing in the present and immediate future, will only increase and which demands a calm and rigorous analysis, based on knowledge, and committed to the search for answers of social application.

To explore this reality in greater depth, and as coordinator of the second edition, Open Dialogue has the participation of the researcher and lecturer Diego Valero, professor of specialised programmes in pensions, behavioural economics and behavioural finance at the University of Barcelona, the London School of Economics and the Instituto de Empresa University. Dr. Valero is also a member of the prestigious National Academy of Social Insurance (USA).

We open the current issue of Diálogo Abierto with the publication of an article by one of the world's leading experts on longevity and the new long-lived societies: Andrew J. Scott, Professor of Economics at the London Business School and consultant to Stanford University's Center on Longevity, who previously taught and researched at Oxford University, the London School of Economics and Harvard University. 

His work focuses on analysing and disseminating the profound changes in the world around us and towards which we are heading, where longevity, for many reasons, will occupy a strategic and fundamental place.

He is co-author, with Lynda Gratton, of must-read books such as The 100 Year Life: Living and Working in the Age of Longevity and The New Longevity. How to adapt to the challenges of a longer life.

The different experts taking part in this new cycle of Open Dialogue will contribute reflections and proposals in areas as diverse as education and lifelong learning, the redesign of the workplace, health care, the decisive importance of the environment, financial security, as well as the essential strengthening of intergenerational connections, thus contributing to the creation of a new, creative and essential narrative of longevity and ageing.

To this end, we will count on the valuable contribution of: 

  • Juan Fernández Palacios

  • Nicholas Barr

  • José Antonio Herce

  • Mercedes Ayuso y Jorge Bravo

  • Juha Alho

  • Arun Muralidhar

  • David Tuesta

  • Kostas Vrachnos

  • Consúelo Borrás

  • Alfonso González Hermoso de Mendoza

  • Paz Martín

Our gratitude and recognition to all of them.

Open Dialogue is part of the Programme for a Longevity Society (PSL), within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the Regional Development Fund (ERDF).